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Yaseuma is a local snack or dessert, made with thick wheat noodles covered in sweetened kinako flour, finely ground roasted soya beans.

It has been coocked for Buddhist events such as Obon (Buddhist festival in Japan to honor the spirit of our ancestors) or Tanabata day (Star festival in July).

The Recipe

Ingredients (Serves 8-10)

500g Flour (All purpose flour)
13g Salt
250cc Water
Kinako (finely ground roasted soya beans) as appropriate
Sugar as appropriate


1. Stir in the Flour and Salt. Add water little by little while keeping an eye on it. (Do not add water at once)

2. Knead well until getting it together.

3. When the dough does not stick to your hands, roll the dough into the ball.

4. Wrap it with clean wet towel and let it sit for 1 hour.

5. Molds it a stick sharp and tear it into the thum-size.

6. Roll out the thumb-size dough with palm.

7. Warp it with clean wet towel and let it sit again.

8. Pull and flatten with fingers.

9. Boil in hot water until jsut tender.

10. Drain and cool it down, and sprinkle the Kinako on it.

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